4 Simple Ways To Enhance Your Landscape
Adding borders around garden beds is a simple and effective way to refresh the look of your landscape. A paving stone border, for example, can provide an attractive, yet durable & functional edging between garden beds and grass. It also allows more accessibility when mowing your lawn, making trimming and mowing the outer edges a breeze!
Paths & Walkways
Create a sense of destination within your landscape with a beautiful pathway that leads to your front entrance or down the side of your house towards your backyard. Paths & walkways are not only a functional way to move around your yard, but they provide visual interest and an inviting aesthetic to you and your visitors. Pathways using stepping-stones or pavers offer a nice alternative to cement or sidewalk blocks.
Mulch & Decorative Rock
Mulch or decorative rock in beds can really tie a yard together and provide a nice clean, finished look. Both are durable choices that will also discourage weeds from growing through. Choose a colour that adds contrast against your lawn and plants to really make the landscape pop!
Planting trees can offer a number of benefits to your landscape. A row of Columnar Aspens, for example can help to provide privacy from neighbours, while an ornamental tree, such as a Schubert Chokecherry, becomes a focal point, adding interest with colour & texture. When choosing what to plant, make sure to take into consideration: hardiness zone, size at maturity, spacing, & sunlight requirements to ensure healthy growth.
Enhancing the look of your yard doesn’t have to be complicated. With these ideas in mind, and a little planning, you are well on your way to refreshing the look and function of your yard while bringing a sense of style and value to your property. Still not sure where to start? No problem, that’s what we’re here for!