Assinibione’s Money Saving Tips

Functionality, durability and charm are what matter most in a landscape, think of what your plans are for your yard and base your decisions on them…

Assinboine will guide you through the landscape process from design conception through to construction completion and ensure that you get the most value for your hard earned money and end up with the yard you’ve always dreamed of…

For those clients who are cost concious, we thought providing some tips to cut the cost would aid the decision making process:

Planning and Access:

– It is always going to be cheaper, and you will end up with a much better final product if you plan and complete your entire landscape at one time, piecework rarely turns out as stunning.

– Look at your access points it will always be cheaper when the proper equipment can get onto your yard… Skid Steers/backhoes ranges from 3 ft – 6ft, plus a few inches on either side for clearance.

– When thinking access, keep in mind window wells, gas meters, fences etc.

Product Choices:

– Patio vs. Deck pricing: Lowest – Highest Cost per sqare foot:

  • Paving Stone / poured concrete
  • pressure treated,
  • flagstone / stamped concrete
  • cedar,
  • composite decking,
  • mortared brick/flagstone…

– Cement Products – Typically most pavers and retaining wall products are priced very close to each other, so pick the bricks you like the best, the difference in price is typically only 5-10% of the final cost… Anything “Roman” is usually the most expensive…

– The prices of various gravels and mulches range quite a bit, pricing is typically based on a washed gravel or alpine mulch unless otherwise stated… to class it up without increasing the price too much try a larger size of washed gravel or a died mulch to add some color

– Choose Grass:Sod is the absolute cheapest thing you can do, when in doubt more sod will almost always save you cash

– Don’t try to save money through installation: Proper topsoil under your sod will pay for itself over and over, you will use less water, less fertilizer and have a much healthier lawn in the long run… This also applies to gardens, a proper garden mix is worth the money.

Function and Payback:

– Retaining Walls and Stairs are expensive, no if’s, ands, or but’s about it… use product wisely and where the value will be best placed. Estimate and consultation will assist with making good placement choices.

– Mow brick or Soldier Stone around gardens and borders can provide the same finished look and pull a yard together for a fraction of the price of even a small raised bed

– Low use areas – use fabric and washed gravel to provide a clean finished area for a fraction of the price of patio, use stepping stones in the gravel for access

Planting and Vegetation:

– Plants and vegetation are an area where you can save a lot of money… smaller trees are not only a lot cheaper to purchase they are also a lot easier to plant… If you have the patience, buy small and watch them grow…

– Plant your own small perennials and shrubs – hire Assiniboine to build you the hardscape or blank canvas and then fill it in yourself! This is for homeowners who enjoy gardening and have the time… In the spring and fall you can find great sales on plant material (availability dependent)

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